Stock Exchange Releases

Disclosure of Changes in Holdings in Accordance With Chapter 2 Section 10 of the Securities Market act


In compliance with chapter 2 section 10 of the Securities Market
Act, Tulikivi Corporation hereby discloses the receipt of
information concerning the following changes in ownership:

Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company shareholdings in
Tulikivi Corporation have exceeded one-twentieth due to the share
purchase made on 14 August 2003.

The Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company now holds shares in
Tulikivi Corporation as follows:

No. of Proportion Proportion
shares % of capital % of votes

A-shares 102,119 5.61 1.67

Juuka 18 August 2003


Juha Sivonen
Managing Director

Distribution: The Helsinki Stock Exchange,
Central Media

Further information: Tulikivi Corporation, 83900 Juuka, tel: +358
(0)13-681 111,, Managing Director: Juha Sivonen