Environmental and corporate responsibility

Tulikivi’s operations are guided by the company’s values. According to these values we operate in an economically, socially and ecologically sustainable way. We understand the positive and facilitating effect responsibility has on our business operations. We continuously examine the responsibility of our operations in relation to society, the environment and our stakeholders. The most important stakeholders for Tulikivi are its customers, personnel, shareholders, finance providers and other cooperation partners, both in Finland and abroad.

Environmental responsibility

Responsibility covers the entire supply chain

Tulikivi’s operations are based on the efficient use of its own soapstone reserves and secondary industrial streams in Finland. We operate systematically to protect the environment and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. All Tulikivi employees take environmental matters into account in their daily work and act responsibly for the benefit of the environment.

Tulikivi is committed to the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Tulikivi has certified quality and environmental systems in accordance with the standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

The goal of our environmental work is to improve the company’s ability to use natural resources sparingly, and to manage processes and products in a way that minimises their impact on the environment. We also work to minimise environmental loads at every stage of a product’s lifecycle. In the production chain, materials, energy consumption and transport together account for a significant proportion of the environmental impact of our products.

We also take environmental issues and potential risks into account in all of our agreements. We increase our suppliers’ awareness of their environmental responsibilities and help them act in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Our goal is to ensure that our products are as durable as possible and that they are safe to use.

Fireplaces are an important part of the climate solution

Nowadays, climate change is a big driver in everything people do. We continuously develop our operations from the perspective of mitigating climate change and adapting to it. In order to achieve the EU’s climate goals, fossil fuels must be replaced. Fireplaces can play a key role in the climate solution. Our raw materials are sourced where we manufacture our products, and this is a good starting point for minimising our carbon footprint. Also, transporting products from the factory to customers usually causes relatively few emissions.

The use of bioenergy-consuming fireplaces as a heating source instead of electricity, heating oil or gas helps to cut the CO2 emissions of energy generation. Tulikivi’s fireplaces already beat the strict emissions standards of the Ecodesign Directive, and we are continuing our research into even cleaner combustion.

The raw materials used at Tulikivi’s production plants include soapstone, natural stone and ceramics. In quarrying and the related operations Tulikivi complies with the best environmental practices identified in the production of natural stone products. Tulikivi monitors the environmental impact of quarrying and complies with the officially approved supervision programmes. Naturally, all of Tulikivi Corporation’s operational quarries and production plants have valid mining and environmental permits.

Tulikivi has drawn up an operating principles document for its quarries, on the basis of which we conduct regular analyses of operating risks, taking into account both safety and environmental considerations. Landscaping is carried out as part of normal quarrying operations and at quarries that have been discontinued.

No substances that are hazardous to the environment are used in the processing of soapstone, and none arise in the manufacturing process. The production plants use closed process water circulation. We actively seek applications for secondary production streams.

Up to 80 per cent recycled material

To improve material efficiency, Tulikivi utilises by-products from other parts of the ceramics industry as a raw material for its ceramic fireplaces. In the Kermansavi fireplace collection, the proportion of recycled materials will increase to approximately 80 per cent of the raw materials used in the fireplace bodies. The materials and components used in the products are tested regularly and the products must pass type approval tests. Tulikivi’s soapstone has been approved as a material that can come into contact with food, for example.

All of Tulikivi’s sites have a waste sorting system, the purpose of which is to reduce the amount of landfill waste and to reuse as much waste as possible in energy production and for other purposes. Recyclable waste (e.g. board and paper) is sent for recycling via normal waste management. Tulikivi has joined the Environmental Register of Packaging PYR Ltd and is a member of SELT (Electrical and Electronic Equipment Producers’ Association).

We regularly monitor and assess the environmental impact of our operations. In 2022, we determined the carbon footprint of our own operations. In 2024, the plan is to develop carbon footprint calculation and its reporting.



Social responsibility

Personnel wellbeing ensures the high quality of products

Tulikivi is a responsible employer and its products are safe, durable and of high quality. We are committed to observing the internationally recognised principles of the UN Convention on Human Rights. In 2023, we will introduce the UN Guiding Principles on business and human rights to our processes.

Reliable partners are vital for successful operations. When selecting partners, Tulikivi considers all aspects of responsibility and monitors compliance with them regularly throughout every agreement period. Tulikivi requires its partners to demand responsible operations throughout their own procurement chains.

Tulikivi’s products are manufactured in Finland by its own committed personnel. We want to ensure our employees’ wellbeing and that their work is meaningful to them and that they want to become even better at what they do. The commitment of our employees to their work and their expertise ensure the quality of our products. The overall success of the delivery is ensured by an expert fireplace installer and sales network.

The Tulikivi Group employed an average of 224 (220 in 2022) people during the financial year. The average was calculated according to the period of employment.

Tulikivi systematically promotes the equality and non-discrimination of its employees. Harassment, bullying and abuse are not acceptable in the working community. We do not allow discrimination on the basis of age, opinion, religion, gender, sexual orientation, health status or other personal characteristics in recruitment or during employment.

Ensuring expertise through continuous training

The company supports the objectives of continuous learning through on-the-job learning and training. Personnel training focused on managing the current status. This includes acquiring skills required under legislation or other regulations (such as GDPR), and first aid and occupational safety training. On-the-job learning remains the most important form of learning in the company. The expertise of fireplace and other installers and sales network personnel is maintained with continuous training on topical matters.

Tulikivi works actively to minimise sickness absences and to maintain working capacity and motivation at a good level. The focus of our occupational health service is on preventive actions, but basic medical care focusing on occupational health is also part of occupational healthcare. Under our early intervention model, we review employees’ working capacity together with them after every 40 hours of sickness absence over a 12-month monitoring period. Workplace reports were completed in the various places of operation in cooperation with occupational healthcare and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.

In our scheme to promote personnel initiatives, a total of 36 (70) new initiatives were submitted during 2023. The frequency of accidents was 31 (18) accidents per million working hours. In 2023, a project to improve occupational safety carried out together with our insurance company Fennia and our pension insurance company Elo.

Interaction keeps you up to date

In its operating environment Tulikivi fosters a sense of community in many ways and wants to maintain an open dialogue with all stakeholders. The company is very visible in many areas in Juuka and Heinävesi where its plants are located. Tulikivi employees have an important role in local sports and cultural and other activities. The company has supported the Vaarojen Maraton running event organised at Koli since the very first event and has been active in developing tourism in the Koli region. The municipality of Heinävesi has joined the region of North Karelia and this will have a positive influence on the company’s opportunities to contribute to the development of tourism in the region.

Tulikivi Corporation is a member of several organisations and forums that promote the company’s operating conditions. They include KIVI – Stone from Finland (former Finnish Natural Stone Association), the Chemical Industry Federation of Finland, Nuohousalan Keskusliitto (Central union of chimney sweeps), The Finnish Family Firms Association, Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI),the Association for Finnish Work, Tulisija- ja savupiippuyhdistys TSY (Association of manufacturers of fireplaces and chimneys), TTS, the Finnish Clean Energy Association, the Finnish Investor Relations Society, the Chemical Industry Federation of Finland, the Securities Market Association, the HKI-Verband, and Teknikföretagens Branschgruppen.


Financial responsibility

Good governance supports success

Tulikivi is a listed family company that seeks good financial profitability and operates on a long-term basis and appreciates its stakeholders. In accordance with good corporate governance, the company respects the rights of its shareholders and engages in diligent and timely financial reporting. Auditing, internal control, risk management and compliance have been arranged appropriately and adequately. Management and administration have been organised in such a way that they support successful management and responsible financial administration.

Tulikivi’s starting point in all of its operations is to avoid such situations that would put the reliability of the company’s operations at risk on the basis of an external evaluation. We do not accept the grey economy in any part of our operating chain. Tulikivi has zero tolerance for any form of bribery and corruption.

Many ways to fund society

Tulikivi’s operations have significant effects on many stakeholder groups: customers, suppliers, service providers, employees, investors and the public sector. The direct financial impact of Tulikivi’s operations on stakeholders consisted of the following in 2023:

Customers generated total net sales of EUR 45.3 (44.3) million. This consisted of Tulikivi and Kermansavi fireplaces, natural stone products, sauna heaters and product-related services sold to customers.

Suppliers of goods and semifinished products were paid EUR 9.8 (10.7) million and service providers were paid EUR 14.7 (14.5) million. The company paid EUR 0.9 (0.3) million for machinery and equipment.

Employees’ salaries and bonuses totalled EUR 10.8 (10.5) million, and the associated pension and other insurance contributions were EUR 2.2 (2.1) million.

Finance providers were paid EUR 0.6 (0.6) million net in interest and other financial expenses.

Shareholders will be paid a dividend of EUR 0.01 for A shares and EUR 0.0083 for K shares for the year 2023.

In 2024, we will develop our company’s sustainability (CSRD) and ESG reporting.