Ethical Principles

  • Tulikivi was created by combining Finnish knowledge of Arctic conditions, wood heating expertise and a unique soapstone reserve.
  • Our mission is to create authentic experiences and reliable warmth with natural stone materials.
  • Our goal is to be a distinctive fireplace, sauna stove and natural stone operator in the market, whose design and technological know-how are valued in Europe.

Values and Methods of Tulikivi

  • Tulikivi operates in an economically, socially and ecologically sustainable manner
  • We listen to consumers and our partners and test our ideas and new product concepts with them.
  • We are entrepreneurial and problem-solving-minded, and we are constantly developing our skills.
  • We develop high-quality and experiential products and services that are suitable for both domestic and export purposes.

Responsibilty of Tulikivi

  • Environment: Tulikivi’s operations are based on the efficient utilization of its own soapstone reserves and industrial by-products in Finland. The short distance from the factory to the customers reduces the carbon footprint of the products.
  • Social responsibility: Tulikivi’s products are of high quality and long-lasting. They are manufactured responsibly in Finland by personnel committed to their own operations. Tulikivi is committed to complying with the principles of the UN Convention on Human Rights and also demands it from its supply chain.
  • Governance: A listed family company that strives for good financial profitability and operates on a long-term basis and values ​​its stakeholders.

Tulikivi’s ethical principles are based on Tulikivi’s values, operating methods and policies. The instructions are in line with the UN Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1944, 1998) and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011).

  1. Taking care of the environment

Ecology is an important value for our customers and for us. Because of this, our products and operations must be demonstrably environmentally friendly. We comply without compromise with laws and regulations as well as other obligations related to the well-being of the environment that bind us. We identify and monitor the environmental effects of our operations and products. We strive to prevent possible adverse effects and are constantly developing our operations, seeking new and better practices in order to achieve the best possible outcome from an environmental point of view.

  1. Good governance

The governance of Tulikivi and its subsidiaries is based on the law, articles of association and the Finnish Corporate Governance Code for listed companies that entered into force on 1 January 2020. Tulikivi adheres to NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy’s guidelines for insiders of listed companies. Our operations follow the Finnish Corporate Governance Code at all levels of the organisation. Our operations are transparent and we follow the good practices in our industry and honor the agreements we make and the operating instructions we have approved.

  1. Compliance with the law and regulations

We operate in compliance with the laws and regulations in force and honor the agreements that bind the Group. We also expect a similar commitment from our stakeholders.

  1. Data protection

Data protection is a part of Tulikivi’s operations, risk management and responsible operating principles. Tulikivi’s Privacy Policy specifies how all Tulikivi’s actions, countries of operation and contractual partners must ensure that personal data are processed lawfully with a high level of data protection. Proper processing of personal data has a significant effect on Tulikivi’s competitiveness, impact, reputation and risk management. Customer data processed and stored by Tulikivi do not contain any high-risk information.

  1. Responsible communications

The goal of Tulikivi’s external communications is to strengthen the positive image of the company. The main principles of communications are speed, openness, honesty, continuity and fairness, and adherence to laws, agreements and stock market regulations.

The goal of internal communications at Tulikivi is to keep the entire personnel aware of Tulikivi’s primary drivers: its values, vision, mission and strategies. Internal communications also seek to increase interaction, promote smooth operation, fostering a sense of community in the workplace and strengthening the internal corporate image and identity.

The company has appointed spokespersons who may issue statements about the company to the media. The behaviour and language of every Tulikivi employee has an effect on the corporate image, but our personnel can separate personal views from Tulikivi’s official views. Please keep in mind that any information you share in social media, for example, stays online for a long time and might harm you personally as well as Tulikivi as a corporation.

  1. Appreciating the customer

We listen to our customers. We treat our customers fairly and appropriately. We take the customer’s needs into account when offering our products. Our operations strive towards comprehensive customer satisfaction. Therefore we develop and improve our products continuously in order to meet the consumers’ changing needs. We also ensure that our products, services and other operations are safe and of a high quality.

We are aware that the quality experienced by our customer depends on our ability to achieve the required quality level in all our functions and processes. To guarantee this, we maintain and develop our quality management system.

  1. Open and honest operations

As a company, we operate openly and honestly towards our customers, partners and employees, and as employees towards our company. We keep our promises and assume responsibility for any mistakes we make. We resolve any problems and disputes by open dialogue.

We compete with our competitors fairly, leveraging our strengths. We are also ready to cooperate when necessary, especially to promote the position of our industry in society.

We do not disclose any confidential information to outsiders in our business operations or other operations.

We do not accept any type of corruption. We do not accept bribes as a company or as employees of our company, nor do we engage in corruption to gain an advantage in an illegal or otherwise dishonest way.

All our operations conform to local laws and regulations.

  1. Respect and appreciation of others

We act fairly and equally towards everybody. We behave appropriately towards each other, appreciate each others’ work and do not discriminate against anyone.

Each of us is responsible for the atmosphere at work and for improving it. Performance reviews are held regularly with the employees.

  1. Respecting human rights

We respect human rights and require the same from our partners.

We do not accept child labour or any form of forced labour or other violations of human rights.

We respect freedom of association and the employees’ right to organise professionally.

We respect every individual’s dignity, privacy and rights and do not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, threats or insults.

  1. Ensuring health and safety

We take care of our employees’ occupational safety and health. Tulikivi’s occupational healthcare operations seek to improve the wellbeing of the personnel and healthiness of the working conditions. The purpose of occupational healthcare is to determine and prevent risks affecting the personnel’s ability to work. A key component in this is preventive actions that reduce problems caused by illnesses, accidents and incapacity for work.

The occupational healthcare operations are based on departmental action plans and the occupational health and safety programme that is a part of Tulikivi’s management system. The occupational health and safety programme consists of safety management, risk assessment and improvement actions. The programme is based on guidance towards safe working methods, a zero accident approach and education on occupational safety.

Everyone is responsible for following the ethical principles

Every Tulikivi employee must follow the ethical principles in their everyday work.

In addition, the management is responsible for communicating, directing, supervising and monitoring the ethical principles in their respective areas of responsibility.

Everyone must report without delay if they become aware of a violation or a suspected violation of the ethical principles. Anyone (a Tulikivi employee or an outsider) can use Tulikivi’s whistleblowing system to report any violation or suspected violation of the ethical principles to the Group management anonymously and without fear of negative consequences.

Failures to follow the ethical principles are investigated appropriately and measures are taken if necessary. A violation of Tulikivi’s ethical principles or a failure to follow them might lead to disciplinary action, including the termination of the employment relationship.

These ethical principles are approved by Tulikivi’s Board of Directors