Company History

History in years


  • Finska Täljstens AB (Suomen Vuolukivi Oy) is established. The founders are members of renowned industrial families, including:
    • Benjamin Frosterus, geologist
    • Paul Chmelevsky, merchant, brickyard owner
    • Axel Tigerstedt, chief director
    • Hugo Lindberg, architect
    • Knut Selin, chief engineer
    • Axel von Knorring, engineer
    • Theodor Tallqvist, chief engineer
    • Leon von Pfaler, bank manager
    • Carl Mannerheim, Count


  • The Art Nouveau period was the golden age of soapstone. However, exports cease with the Russian Revolution of 1917.

1939 -1979

  • The Second World War begins the age of electricity and steel. Electric cook stoves and central heating replace wood stoves and fireplaces. Soapstone quarrying peters out and the tradition is broken.


  • Reijo Vauhkonen acquires Suomen Vuolukivi Oy.


  • Suomen Vuolukivi Oy starts afresh with new entrepreneurs Eliisa and Reijo Vauhkonen at the helm. The first production line starts up.


  • Mittakivi Oy is established to make tailor-made fireplaces.


  • Tulikivi Oy is quoted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange’s OTC list.
  • A decision to go international, export collection.


  • The company changes its name to Tulikivi Oy, following its international brand name.


  • Tulikivi Oy becomes a public listed company.
  • Tulikivi Oy is the first stone processor to receive an ISO 9001 quality certificate for its production process.


  • Kiantastone Oy’s foundation stone is laid in Suomussalmi.
  • Tulikivi’s 20th anniversary.


  • Kiantastone Oy, a Tulikivi subsidiary, opens a production facility in Suomussalmi.
  • Acquisition of SKT-Granit Oy.
  • Acquisition of Marmorimestarit Oy.


  • Acquisition of A.W Liljeberg Oy.
  • Tulikivi Rakennuskivet Oy is established, and the Group’s architectural stone business (SKT-Granit Oy, Marmorimestarit Oy and A.W. Liljeberg Oy) is integrated into it.


  • Mittakivi Oy, Kiantastone Oy and Tulipuu Oy, which supplies firewood, are merged into Tulikivi Corporation.


  • Inauguration of The Finnish Stone Center in Juuka.
  • Tulikivi Rakennuskivet Oy is merged into Tulikivi Corporation.
  • Acquisition of Kivia Oy, a fireplace manufacturer in Kuhmo.


  • Tulikivi finds a notable new soapstone deposit in Juuka.


  • Tulikivi establishes the subsidiary OOO Tulikivi.
  • The ISO 9001 quality system is extended to cover all of the Group’s fireplace factories.


  • Tulikivi discontinues the Kivia brand and focuses on the Tulikivi brand alone.
  • The new fireplace model range.
  • Acquisition of Kermansavi Oy’s entire share capital. Expansion of product range and customer base.
  • New production facility inaugurated in Juuka in November.


  • Finnish Distribution Channel Overhaul
  • Tulikivi Shop – Online Store Opens
  • Tulikivi Tailor to Support Sales
  • Tulikivi’s Proposals for Cleaner-burning Fireplaces in Finland
  • Kermansavi Oy is merged into Tulikivi Corporation.


  • Dutry & Co set up one of the world’s largest Tulikivi showroom in Viche, Belgium
  • Tulikivi Oyj focused strongly on occupational safety
  • The Saimaa tableware set was created for the Kermansavi brand by Paola Suhonen
  • Active product development combined the best features of Tulikivi and Kermansavi fireplaces to create Nammi and Parna
  • Tulikivi was the first manufacturer to implement the CE marking for heat retaining fireplaces


  • Carbon footprint of Tulikivi fireplaces now known
  • Test quarrying in Vaaralampi produced good quality stone
  • The Tulikivi range now boasts the latest combustion technology


  • Tulikivi Green – Green Technology launched
  • Expanding Sauna Business
  • New Design Fireplaces launched


  • The new Tulikivi logo was launched
  • Tulikivi gave up building stone business
  • The production of Kermansavi cookware was terminated by the end of 2011


  • Tulikivi launched new wood-fired sauna heaters


  • Uusi keraaminen mallisto lanseerattiin.


  • Ilmalämmitystakka yhdessä Legalettin kanssa.
  • Tuisku XL sähkökiuas.


  • Uudella vesityöstökoneella käsiteltyjä vuolukivipintoja markkinoille.
  • Seinäkiukaat Routa ja Halla lanseerattiin.


  • Karelia varaavien vuolukivitakkojen mallisto markkinoille.
  • Tulikivi Cooking – vuolukiviset ruoanlaittoastiat lanseerattiin.
  • Pielinen varaavat kiertoilmatakat markkinoille.


  • Saramo, markkinoiden leveimmällä luukulla varustettu varaava vuolukivitakka Karelia-mallistoon.
  • Senso, älykäs takkaohjain lanseerattiin.


  • Juva, Lako, Kelo, hissi- ja kulmaluukkuiset varaavat vuolukivikiertoilmatakat Pielinen-mallistoon.
  • Tytäryhtiö OOO Tulikivi on toiminut viisi vuotta Moskovassa.


  • Beneluxin markkina-alue yksiportaiseen jakeluun.
  • Tulikivi perusti Nordic Talc Oy:n Suomussalmen kaivospiiriin kuuluvien talkkivarantojen teolliseen hyödyntämiseen.