Interim Report

Interim Report 1-6/2008



At the end of the review period, the company did not hold
any of its own shares.

Related party transactions
1000 EUR 6/2008 6/2007
Sales of goods and services
-sales of goods and services to
associated companies 12 1

Purchases of goods and services
-purchases of goods and services
from associated companies 44 24

Transactions with key management
– leases from related parties 61 51

Transactions with other related parties
Tulikivi Corporation is a founder member of the Finnish
Stone Research Foundation. The company has leased offices
and storages from the property owned by the Foundation
and North Karelia Educational Federation of
Municipalities. The rent paid for these facilities was
EUR 64 thousand (62 thousand)in the period. The rent
corresponds with the market rents. The sales of services
to foundation were EUR two thousand (EUR two thousand) in
the period. Tulikivi Corporation granted the Foundation a
long-term loan of one hundred thousand euros during the
review period.

Largest shareholders on 30 June 2008
Name of shareholder Shares Proportion
of total
Vauhkonen Reijo 4 164 327 24.3 %
Vauhkonen Heikki 3 003 887 24.1 %
Elo Eliisa 2 957 020 5.9 %
Virtaala Matti 2 421 300 12.6 %
Mutual Pension Insurance
Company Ilmarinen 1 902 380 1.5 %
Mutanen Susanna 1 643 800 7.2 %
Vauhkonen Mikko 797 700 3.6 %
Paatero Ilkka 718 430 0.6 %
Nuutinen Tarja 674 540 3.5 %
Investment Fund Phoebus 608 140 0.5 %
Other shareholders 18 252 446 16.2 %

The interim report has not been audited.

The companies included in the Group are the parent
company Tulikivi Corporation, Kivia Oy, AWL-Marmori Oy,
Tulikivi U.S. Inc. and OOO Tulikivi. Group companies
include also Uuni Vertriebs GmbH and The New Alberene
Stone Company, Inc., which are dormant. The parent
company has a fixed place of business in Germany,
Tulikivi Oyj Niederlassung Deutschland. The Group has
interests in associated companies Stone Pole Oy and
Leppävirran Matkailukeskus Oy.


Board of Directors
Matti Virtaala Chairman of the Board

Distribution: OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy
Central Media

Additional information: Tulikivi Corporation, 83900
Juuka, tel.
+358-207-636 000,
– Chairman of the Board of Directors Matti Virtaala
– Managing Director Heikki Vauhkonen