JORC report expected in August 2019
In February 2018, Tulikivi commissioned the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) to carry out a study of the Haaponen talc deposit in the Suomussalmi mining district in accordance with the JORC code. In December 2018 Tulikivi announced that the JORC report would be extended to cover 12 million tonnes of the deposit in Suomussalmi. Drilling indicated that the area of the deposit is larger than had earlier been estimated and that its quality and volume were consistent.
The laboratory work commissioned by the Geological Survey of Finland was delayed and finally completed in early June 2019. The JORC report is currently being finalised. The report will cover approximately 13 million tonnes of the talc deposit in Suomussalmi.
Managing Director Heikki Vauhkonen: “The JORC report process has been slower than anticipated. The additional studies have reinforced our understanding of the high quality and consistency of the deposit.”