
The Suomussalmi JORC report will expand to 12 million tonnes


In February 2018, Tulikivi commissioned the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) to carry out a study of the talc deposit in Suomussalmi’s Haaponen in accordance with the JORC code. In September 2018 Tulikivi announced that it will conduct further drilling tests and studies to finalise the study of the deposit. These have been completed in the past few weeks.

Thanks to the further tests and studies, the JORC study is now estimated to expand to cover some 12 million tonnes of the talc deposit in Suomussalmi from the earlier estimate of approximately 6 million of tonnes. The drilling indicated that the area of the deposit is larger than was estimated earlier and that it continues at a consistent quality and volume to a depth of 100 metres.

The GTK is currently carrying out laboratory tests on samples from the additional drilling work and its reports should be completed in early 2019.

Heikki Vauhkonen, Managing Director: “Thanks to the further studies, the coverage of the JORC study conducted in Suomussalmi will be significantly extended.  The results confirm our opinion that the deposit is of high quality.”

Board of Directors

Additional information: Managing Director Heikki Vauhkonen tel. 0207 636 555