Stock Exchange Releases

Tulikivi Corporation increases its share capital


Tulikivi Corporation’s Board of Directors has, on the basis of the
authorization given by the Annual General Meeting, decided to increase
the company’s share capital with a directed share issue for the
payment of a EUR 2.1 million share consideration to Ilkka Paatero as
part of the share purchase agreement for Kermansavi Oy’s shares signed
on April 3, 2006.

In accordance with the purchase conditions mentioned above, 718,430
Tulikivi Corporation Series A shares were subscribed for in the
directed share issue. The share capital increase, which is carried out
as a rights issue, of is EUR 122,133.10 and the share premium fund
increase of is EUR 1,982,866.90 will be carried out as a rights issue.
As a result of the issueincrease, the share capital of the company
will increase to EUR 6,314,474.90 and the total number of shares to
37,143,970. The newly issued shares will represent just under 2 per
cent of the company’s total shares.

The new shares are expected to be registered in the Trade Register on
June 30, 2006 and to become subject to trade on the stock exchange
together with the old Series A shares on July 3, 2006. The Financial
Inspection Supervision Authority has granted Tulikivi Corporation an
exemption from the obligation to publish a listing document prospectus
when applying for public trading for the new shares issued.


Juha Sivonen
Managing Director

Distribution: Helsinki Stock Exchange
Central Media

Additional information: Tulikivi Corporation, 83900 Juuka, tel.
+358-207-636 000,
- Chairman of the Board of Directors Matti Virtaala
- Managing Director Juha Sivonen