Stock Exchange Releases

Tulikivi Corporation to invest in factory extension in Juuka


* Tulikivi Corporation will build new production plant in Juuka,
with which the company will increase its capacity to meet the
prospected increase in demand.
* The new production plant will improve the use of raw materials
and therefore increase the production profitability.
* The new production plant will provide dozens of new jobs in
Juuka in upcoming years.

Tulikivi Corporation´s Board of Directors has made a decision to
invest in the construction of a new production plant in Juuka.
In line with its growth strategy, the Groups´s objective is to
continuously develop its production technology in order to
ensure growth and profitability. The future outlook of the
company is positive, as product sales have been good and demand
is expected to continue to grow in the near future both in the
main and new market areas, where the company has invested
heavily to develop distribution network and marketing.
Moreover, the rise in energy prices as well as the decision made
by European Union to multiply the use of bioenergy are expected
to increase the demand for Tulikivi products.

More capacity and increased efficiency in the use of raw

With the new production plant, Tulikivi aims to manufacture high-
quality products efficiently. The manufacturing process will be
based on the newest technology available, the efficient flow of
materials and the precise use of raw materials. The production
plant will increase the current production capacity of Tulikivi
fireplaces in Juuka by about 20 %, and will enable the company
to increase its net sales by almost ten million euros in
upcoming years.

Tulikivi´s operations hinge on the possession of sufficient
stone reserves that will secure financial growth. The company
possesses explored soapstone reserves that will last for about
65 years, as calculated in terms of its present production rate,
but new stone deposits are being explored constantly.

The sufficiency of the company´s stone supplies can be increased
by using the raw material as precisely as possible.
The raw material to be used in the new production plant will
mainly consist of leftover blocks that cannot be utilized
efficiently on the current production lines due to to their size
or shape. During its 25 years of operation, the company has
accumulated a considerable amount of unused, low-priced blocks
which will now be utilized. This will also have positive
environmental effects.

More jobs in Juuka

The investment in the new production plant will also mean new
jobs, as it will provide employment for dozens of people in the
near future.

The investment will be approximately 5 million euros, and the
production plant is due for completion in autumn 2006. The
industrial premises with 2,095 square metres of floor space and
the cutting-edge machinery and equipment will all be in procured
by Tulikivi Corporation.

For additional information, contact:

– Tulikivi Corporation, FI-83900 Juuka, Finland, tel. +358 207
636 000,
-Chairman of the Board of Directors Matti Virtaala or Managing
Director Juha Sivonen

Distribution: Helsinki Stock Exchange, – Central media

Tulikivi Corporation and its subsidiaries form the Tulikivi
Group, the world´s largest and most technologically advanced
processor of soapstone and the world´s largest manufacturer of
industrially produced heat-retaining fireplaces. The Group is
one of the five largest stone processors in Europe. The Group´s
net sales are roughly EUR 60 million. The Group owns six
production plants and employs over 500 people.