Stock Exchange Releases
In September, demand for fireplace products in Tulikivi’s main market areas was more sedate than expected. The Tulikivi Group had sales of about EUR 52.5 million at the end of September (EUR 57.7 million in January-September 2006). The decline was largely due to exports, but domestic sales also still fell short of the previous year’s level. The strong decline in fireplace demand in Germany impacts on exports of both fireplaces and lining stone products. The order book on 30 September was EUR 7.9 (12.4) million.
Annual sales will thus be approximately 10 percent lower than last year. Earnings will be satisfactory.
Heikki Vauhkonen Managing Director
Distribution: Helsinki Stock Exchange and principal media
Additional information: Tulikivi Corporation, 83900 Juuka, tel. +358 207 636 000, – Chairman of the Board of Directors Matti Virtaala, tel. +358 50 550 7313 – Managing Director Heikki Vauhkonen, tel. +358 207 636 555