Key figures

The Year 2023 in Brief


2023 2022 Change, %
Net Sales, MEUR 45.3 44.3 2.4
Operating result, MEUR 5.5 4.7 18.0
Result before income tax, MEUR 4.9 4.1 19.1
Return on investments, % 20.8 19.7
Solvency ratio, % 47.8 39.0
Earnings per share, EUR 0.06 0.08
Equity per share, EUR 0.30 0.24
Payment of dividend on
A share, EUR 0.01             –
K share, EUR 0.0083             –

Calculations of Key Ratios

Key figures describing financial development

Return on equity (ROE), % = Result for the year

Average shareholders’ equity during the year



Return on investments (ROI) = Result before income tax + interest and other finance expenses

Shareholders’ equity + financial loans with interest, average during the year



Solvency ratio, %
= Shareholders’ equity

Balance sheet total – advance payments



Net indebtness ratio, % = Net interest-bearing financial liabilities

Shareholders’ equity



Current ratio
= Current assets

Current liabilities


Key figures, IFRS

Earnings per share = Profit/loss attributable to owners of the parent company

Average issue-adjusted number of shares for the financial year  *)



Dividend per share = Dividend paid for the year

Issue-adjusted number of shares at balance sheet date *)



Key figures per share

Equity per share = Shareholders’ equity
Issue-adjusted number of shares at balance sheet date *)


Dividend per earnings, % = Dividend per share
Earnings per share


Effective dividend yield, % = Issue-adjusted dividend per share
The closing price of A- share at balance sheet date


Price/ Earnings ratio (P/E) = The closing price of A-share at balance sheet date
Earnings per share


*) own shares held by the company excluded.